Brooks Construction (UK) Ltd are committed to continuously improving in this important area of business. We have regular meetings to discuss our performance and level of progress in this area. We have also recently added environmental tool box talks to our schedule to help train and educate our operatives to be aware in the workplace and make a difference on a daily basis.
To promote the best use of environmental practice we will;
· Constantly look to improve our performance.
· Reduce consumption of resources.
· Track, measure and take action to reduce the carbon footprint in business activities.
· Expect similar environmental standards from all business partners.
· Meet or exceed all environmental legislation that relates to business.
To meet these targets, we will;
· Set and monitor objectives for managing environmental performance.
· Work together with staff and business partners to promote improved environmental performance.
· Review our environmental policy regularly.
Our processes, building, travel, and work policies are monitored continuously which has already helped to reduce our carbon emissions.
We are always reviewing our raw material suppliers to ensure that we select partners with responsible credentials.
Our target is to keep our energy consumption as low as possible and look for the most environmentally solutions where possible.
Where possible Brooks Construction will always recycle plastic, paper and cardboard.
At Brooks Construction (UK) Ltd we always look to reduce the amount of waste, we have done this by creating an area within our storage where materials that would usually be thrown away can be stored for a certain amount of time and used if possible.
We believe that an environmentally sustainable and responsible business will be a more successful one. We respect all the local areas that we operate in and ensure that we are minimising our impact on them.
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